Global War On Terror Expeditionary Large Medal

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SKU: B102467
Regular price $13.95
Disabled Veteran Owned/Family Operated
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Global War On Terror Expeditionary Large Medal recognizes those military service members who have supported operations to counter-terrorism in the War on Terror.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Brian Pendergast

When my daughter was little I let her wear my medals to a 4th of July parade. She lost the GWOTE medal. Years later I wanted to get a display to give to her and was able to find this medal on Bradley’s Surplus.

Sabrina Rau
Absolutely perfect!

I'd been awarded this medal during my final deployment in 2013. Me, being the nitwit I am, lost most of my awards and medals while relocating to a new home. It meant the world to me to be able to replace this, and I'm grateful to have this back in my possession.